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Complex Cable soldering, How we found the solution

Posted: 10-05-2017 14:49
by TomAdmiraal
The first issue was the fixture. Because the cable shoe and the copper wire have a huge heatsink, we could not use any conductive fixture material.

Then there was the problem with tipchoice, because of the shape of the cable shoe. The reachabillity of the coperwire could only be optimal if we used the max angle of the solderhead....The cablehead had to be fixed in an angle, so it would be placed in an more upright position. Laying the cable flat was not an option, then we could not get a heattransfer.

So we made a testfixture out of wood and created the optimal angle. That angle would allow the solderhead to get a maximum heat transfer and the application to be placed in a way that the cablelength was no issue.


we used a PCA50 soldertip. Because of its round shape of the tip and the angle for feeding, this was the best tip for heat transfer.

With some testing on the solderconditions, we reduced the desired cycletime of 90 sec to 55 sec. We met all other quality demands on both wire diameters.